If you would like to review or write about any of these publications for the History of Emotions Blog, then please get in touch with me (Thomas Dixon).
A book listed in a previous round-up on this blog, Hannah Newton’s The Sick Child in Early Modern England, 1580-1720 has been short-listed for the 2013 Longman/History Today Book Prize. Hannah recently wrote a post for the History of Emotions Blog about her research.
Happy reading, happy holidays, and happy new year…!
Gavin Budge, Romanticism, Medicine and the Natural Supernatural:Transcendent Vision and Bodily Spectres, 1789-1852
Rae Greiner, Sympathetic Realism in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction
Ann Cvetkovich, Depression: A Public Feeling
Michael Trimble, Why Humans Like to Cry
Caterina Albano, Fear and Art in the Contemporary World
Jan Plamper, Geschichte und Gefühl: Grundlagen der Emotionsgeschichte
Sally Alexander and Barbara Taylor (eds), History and Psyche: Culture, Psychoanalysis, and the Past
Pascale Goetschel, Christophe Granger,
Nathalie Richard, et Sylvain Venayre (eds), Ennui: Histoire d’un état d’âme (xixe-xxe siècle)
David Picard and Mike Robinson (eds), Emotion in Motion: Tourism, Affect and Transformation
Esther Cohen, Leona Toker, Manuela Consonni and Otniel E. Dror (eds), Knowledge and Pain
Jan Plamper and Benjamin Lazier (eds), Fear Across the Disciplines

Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies: The Senses
Educational Philosophy and Theory: Humor, Laughter, and Philosophy of Education
Literature Compass: Philosophy and Literature in the Nineteenth Century
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century: Perspectives on Pain
Tanya Pollard, ‘What’s Hecuba to Shakespeare?’, Renaissance Quarterly 65 (2012), 1060-1093.
Daniel Larlham, ‘The Felt Truth of Mimetic Experience: Motions of the Soul and the Kinetics of Passion in the Eighteenth-Century Theatre’ The Eighteenth Century 53 (2012): 432-454.
René Rosfort and Giovanni Stanghellini, ‘In the Mood for Thought: Feeling and Thinking in Philosophy’, New Literary History 43 (2012): 395-417.