It’s been a busy year on the history of emotions blog, and readers might have struggled (as I have), to keep up with every post. So here’s a round-up of 2016 so far – about 30 new blog posts – hopefully something for everyone who wants to think and read a bit about emotions over the coming months. Happy Reading! These are listed in chronological order by month of publication:
Jules Evans on ‘Literature and Mental Health’ – an interview with Paula Byrne
Jules Evans, ‘Bowie’s genius versus Eno’s scenius’
Louis C. Charland, Why Science Needs ‘Passion’
Lucy Allen, ‘Jesus Wept: On Umberto Eco and John Donne’
Una McIlvenna, Review Essay: ‘Shakespeare’s emotional turn’
Jules Evans, ‘Religion and the arts as collective improvisation’ – an interview with Pippa Evans
Anny Gaul, ‘Egypt, Laughter and the History of Emotions’
Jules Evans, Review of Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body by Jo Marchant.
Jules Evans, ‘A 10-day Vipassana retreat taught me the meaning of pain’
Alison Moulds, ‘Representing emotion in the doctor-patient encounter in Victorian medical writing’
Thomas Dixon, ‘Emotions in the wild’ – a conversation with Charles Foster
Jules Evans, ‘Connecting NHS mental health with Islamic ruqyah healing in East London’
Chris Millard, “Parity of Esteem for Mental Health”: why we need a critical history
Jules Evans, ‘Why I sing the blues: Emotional healing and Southern ecstasy’
Aleksondra Hultquist, ‘The Literary Form of Emotion’
Ross MacFarlane, ‘Edward Lovett: An emotional collector?’
Sarah Chaney, ‘Emotional talismans: Safety in objects’
Fay Bound Alberti, ‘Bodies, emotions, and Hamlet: Or, why I wrote This Mortal Coil’
Sarah Chaney, ‘The Paradox of Objectivity: New Perspectives in Mental Health History’
PODCAST: Geoff Dyer on peak expriences – interview by Jules Evans
Romantic Voices:
- Sarah Comyn, Political Economy and the Language of Feeling: Rereading Jane Marcet
- Merrilees Roberts, ‘Shame, Affect, and the Literary Self’
- Emelia Quinn, ‘The Monstrous Vegan’
- Erin Lafford, ‘John Clare’s Address to Health’
VIDEO: Victorian Emotions: BAVS Talks 2016
Sneja Gunew, ‘Decolonising Theories of the Emotions’
Thomas Dixon, ‘What is anger? 1. Martha Nussbaum’
Brexit and emotions: