What UK universities can learn from the US about promoting well-being

  I’ve recently begun a new research focus, looking at well-being in higher education. British universities have started to focus on this issue a lot more, spurred by worrying headlines about an ‘epidemic of mental illness on campus’. But, judging … Continue reading

On Positive Psychology and the Positive University

Earlier this year, Anthony Seldon, the new vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham, announced he was making Buckingham into the UK’s first ‘positive university’. All students will take a course in Positive Psychology. All tutors will be trained in Positive … Continue reading

The Lingering of the Lost Self. Review: Deborah Lutz ‘Relics of Death in Victorian Literature and Culture’

Tiffany Watt Smith is a research fellow on the ‘Living with Feeling’ grant at the Centre for the History of the Emotions. She is the author of The Book of Human Emotions and On Flinching: Theatricality and Scientific Looking from Darwin to Shell-Shock   … Continue reading

History of Emotions Blog Round-Up: July-October 2016

After the summer lull, the start of term is always a busy time. In case you’ve missed any blog posts, here’s our second round-up of 2016 (the first was in July). These are listed in chronological order by month of … Continue reading

REVIEW: The Wicked Boy, by Kate Summerscale

Dr Eleanor Betts recently completed her PhD in the School of History at Queen Mary University of London, researching Victorian responses to children who killed. Eleanor continues to work with the Centre for the History of the Emotions and is … Continue reading

Emotions in the Wild

A Conversation With Charles Foster Charles Foster’s Being a Beast (Profile, 2016) is an extraordinary book about the author’s life-long fascination with the minds of animals and his attempts to see the world through their eyes –  to feel their sensations, … Continue reading

REVIEW ESSAY: Shakespeare’s emotional turn

Dr Una McIlvenna is Lecturer in Early Modern Literature at the University of Kent. From 2011-2014 she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, based at the University of … Continue reading

REVIEW. The History of Emotions: An Introduction by Jan Plamper

Professor William M. Reddy is William T. Laprade Professor of History and Professor of Cultural Anthropology, at Duke University. Here he reviews Professor Jan Plamper‘s introduction to the field. Jan Plamper, The History of Emotions: An Introduction, translated by Keith Tribe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), … Continue reading